Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Voice Threads r us

I think we're having fun playing with Voice Thread, or as the tutorial abbreviates, "VT" (which I wish didn't remind me of Vermont, as then my mind drifts back to our visit to Quechee, the Cabot Outlet and those beautiful cows!...but I digress...)

The browsing turned up some very interesting examples as I searched "school music". The best application thus far is using the VT as a place to offer tutorials. One walked students through the sign up process for a free online music composition tool--clear as a bell to follow, very well done, and in a format that allowed the user to review it over and over at their own pace. Another was student-created; a middle school jazz band advertised their group, who was invited, what they did, and what they liked about the group. Kids' images were used extensively--are we o.k. as this is a shared thing with limited people, or did kids have to sign off on an image policy document?


  1. Sandy, Although kids would not be identified by name, it would be easy to trace them to school,so you would have to not include those students whose parents request that. One more thing to think of! But, the possibilities for Voicethread are huge, even given this small wrinkle.
    Thanks for your enthusiasm in class!

  2. That limitation is a pain, Sandy, but I think we'll all learn to relax a bit and the future may hold a more reasonable approach. Until then, we've still got the policy.

