Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Full Moon?

Harvest Moon? Is that really a reason for all the craziness? If that is so, then what will the first impending snow storm going to bring? On another "note", did anyone see the magnificent rainbow that yesterday's wild weather created? Not only was it a complete rainbow, Mahoney was in the middle of it! The ride home did not lead me to the pot of gold, however.

Shifting gears to technology and some applications, I am hoping to format some existing documents to google pages for sharing with colleagues in our music district (includes most of Southern Maine from Gorham to the NH border). We are a large and spread out group and if people have gmail, it would be a convenient way to share information and even work on programs for our festival performance--or would it? Can a great-looking program be created using Google docs?

However, what should I be researching that I'm missing regarding real integration in my instrumental music class and technology--or (without offending anyone) do I need to integrate technology when I sometimes think our musical instruments are all the high tech equipment we can handle? :) Happy Day!

1 comment:

  1. I have found Google Calendar to be helpful with scheduling . . . maybe using Google Calendar to organize performances and sharing the calendar and making it public . . . just one more thing to add to the brain overload :)
