Tuesday, September 22, 2009

wiki woo woo woo

HSM anyone? (High School Musical for those people without 'tweeners in their home!)

One thing I've always wondered about; where do all these terms come from? Who says the highly technical mind is not also very creative? Wiki? Blog? PBwiki? Google? I love the words and terms!

I have found the class discussions so helpful in directing my learning through the tutorials. Comparing the different tools--google docs vs. wikis, blogs and voicethreads--they all offer such possibilities for the classroom. How to choose?

From last week, I liked Steve's example in Voicethread from his family trip and can see us using this as a way to share family photos instead of sending the cd to the family across the country (and it sitting on a counter for weeks before it's tossed!). I would love to see and share the comments, too.

I signed up for a wiki and am playing with it but do wonder if Google docs will serve my purposes better for now. Down the road, creating a wiki where teachers, community members and others can contribute to the discussion of current music issues like advocacy could be a great use.

Too much of a good thing, like at the Ricetta's pizza buffet...must be dinner time!


  1. It is all a bit overwhelming . . .especially that Pizza buffet (had my first experience with THAT this summer).

    At least you are actively thinking about how these apply to what you are doing :)

  2. Sandy, You were certainly firing on all cylinders last night, coming up with great ideas for using web 2.0 tools. So, who knew you'd get so sick by morning? Hope you are feeling better already.
    I love your wiki advocacy idea, with lots of stakeholders commenting on music issues.
    And, yes, the words are great: google; yahoo; wiki (from the Hawaiian for "quick," supposedly)...all fun words. I love how "google" has morphed from a noun to a verb, too.
    So, what glasses did Jerry buy?
